Trade Shows 2021

Rechner Sensors will continue to try and serve the Industrial community in these uncertain times. Rechner will plan to show at the following trade shows provided that we can do so in a safe manner. Since the trade shows are currently scheduled close in time to each other, Rechner will be sending different staff to those trade shows and allow our staff quarantine time after the trade show. Please check into this post for updates and possible delays due to Covid-19. February DEX/MRO EXPO Online : Register here . February 18th CANCELLED - National Poultry Show Western Fair District Agriplex April 7th to 8th London, Ontario CANCELLED - The Plastics Show (NPE) Orange County Convention Center May 17 th to 21st Orlando, Florida Booth: August International Powder and Bulk Solids Show (IPBS) Donald E. Stephens Convention Center August 24 th to 26th Rosemont, Illinois Booth: 2523 October Canadian Manufactur...