LevelMaster Sensors for Conductive Products

The LevelMaster series of sensor are the ideal solution for conductive liquids and pastes. These sensor can ignore a large build up of conductive products like ketchup, mayonnaise, and brines. These sensors use EasyTeach technology and can be programmed for new materials in as little as 4 seconds. Simply immerse the sensor in the product you wish to detect, connect the teach wire to positive voltage until the LED flashes, and disconnect the teach wire to initialize the self-teaching function. For products that create foam, like beers, the sensor can detect the difference between the product itself and the foam on top of the product. The Level Master Sensor with hygienic design mounting adapters. In this video we demonstrate the sensor being programmed with 5 different materials. The materials include ketchup, mayonnaise, honey, beer, and beer foam. The sensor ignores massive buildup of material on the sensing area. The setup procedure is fast, easy, and accurate. ...